How we treat each other at Neuroqueer Meetingplace "Code of conduct" - Short form We start at 18:00 sharp. be on time. At the discussion meetings, there is a planned break after…
2-minute rounds at Neuroqueer meetingplace Short description: We use two-minute rounds to give everyone space to talk. Each person, who does not opt out with a red card, gets two…
Notice to annual meeting 2024 Hello member! Time for the annual meeting Now it's almost time for the most important event in the association - the annual meeting. Then you,…
Bli volontär för Newcomers! Vill du engagera dig i en verksamhet för hbtqi-flyktingar och hbtqi-migranter? Vill du göra skillnad och arbeta för ett antirasistiskt community? Som volontär i Newcomers…
Become a contact person We are recruiting more contact persons within RFSL Göteborg! Do you want to get to know a new person and are in a position where…
Bli samtalsledare inom RFSL Göteborg Är du hbtqi-person och vill hålla i samtalsgrupper? Nu söker vi fler personer som vill leda samtalsgrupper på RFSL Göteborg! Anmäl dig här om du…
Holiday time Now it is holiday time and we have our swichboard 031-788 25 10 closed between 1 July and 14 August. The email address will…
Rights walk at West Pride 2021 Take a walk in Göteborg and test your knowledge of Newcomers Göteborg, LGBTQI rights and human rights in Sweden and in the world in a…
Meeting place for rainbow families After a long break from rainbow family meet ups, we now hope to be able to meet outside with social distance. Sunday the 14th of…
Christmas sap tasting A warm welcome to a christmas sap tasting with RFSL Göteborg! This year our traditional Christmas mingle will happen digitally and we welcome you to…