Contact Person
As a contact person you are a resource for an LGBTQI person and your work is tailored to what this person needs. It can be about being a moral support in the contact with authorities, conversations, learning more about Göteborg and/or Sweden, getting out and doing things, to get a way into the LGBTQI community, to counter social isolation or similar.
We are looking for you who:
• Is an LGBTQI person and has some knowledge of LGBTQI-Göteborg.
• Feel confident in yourself and is not in an identity process where you yourself are in need of support linked to being an LGBTQI person.
• Is empathetic but at the same time know how to set boundaries.
• Enjoys meeting new people and is interested in both sharing your life and taking part in others.
• Is at least 18 years old.
We offer you:
• Education.
• Continuous supervision, in groups and individually.
• Volunteer certificate and opportunity for references.
As s contact person we expect you to be able to do about three hours of work per week as well as attend the supervision sessions and education. All contact person assignments within RFSL Göteborg are made without financial compensation.
Follow our Facebook page to see when we are recruiting next time:
If you have any questions, you are welcome to send them to
Welcome with your registration of interest!