Find support – if you have a hard time during Christmas and New Year


Christmas and New Year is a period that can be challenging and lonely for many LGBTQI people.
Here is information on where you can turn if you feel unwell and need support during the Christmas and New Year period.


RFSL Gothenburg’s counselors will be on holiday from December 19. If you do not need urgent support, it is fine to email our counselors at to ask for a support call. The counselors will respond to the email again from January 7.

Newcomer’s counselor, for members of the group the Newcomers Gothenburg, can be reached by email via and is available at the same times as our other counselors.

SOS Alarm, 112: Always call 112 if it is urgent. If you have strong thoughts about taking your own life or seriously harming yourself, or if you know someone else has such thoughts or plans, then you need help quickly. The same applies if you become aware of an ongoing suicide attempt. Call 112!

The SOS operators speak Swedish or English. There is the possibility of an interpreter in other languages ​​if needed.

You can also contact a psychiatric emergency department if you feel very unwell or are thinking about harming yourself or taking your life. In Gothenburg it is the psychiatric emergency department at Östra Sjukhuset


– Support via phone, chat and email


  • National Helpline If you are over 18 and are in an acute crisis, difficult life situation, have suicidal thoughts or are experiencing psychological problems, you can contact us here. Their advisers listen, support and guide you via the internet and telephone. Those who answer are professional and the support is anonymous and free of charge. An interpreter is available. Open 24 hours a day, all year round. Chat is accessed via the website. Telephone number: 90390
  • BRIS counselor support via chat, email and telephone for you under 18 years of age. Telephone number 116 111. It is also possible to book a telephone conversation with a BRIS curator and choose to have the conversation in Arabic or English.
  • BRIS adult phone line If you need support and advice regarding matters concerning persons under 18 years of age, you can contact the BRIS adult telephone line. On some days you can also get support in Arabic and Ukrainian.
  • Gothenburg Crime Victims Help Center   supports you who have been the victim of crime, witnessed crime or are relatives to someone who has.
  • Jourhavande medmänniska On-call human support by phone and via chat.
  • Jourhavande präst The priest on duty can be reached via 112 for phone calls. Also has chat and email.
  • The women’s peace line  provides support to women and trans people who have been subjected to physical, psychological or sexual violence.
  • The Church’s SOS Rainbow Line  Hotline via phone and digital letters, for LGBTQI people, relatives and allies.
  • MIND Suicide line  chat, email and phone for suicidal thoughts. Telephone number is 90101.
  • MIND chat Lifeline  for those who are young and want to chat with an adult volunteer about feelings, thoughts and when life feels difficult.
  • MIND Elderly line  provides support via telephone, especially for you who are older and need to talk to someone. Phone number 020-22 22 33
  • MIND Parent line  if you are worried about a child under 18, or an adult child, you can call Mind’s parent line (also for other relatives)..
  • Red Cross telephone, email and SMS advice on questions about where undocumented migrants and other migrants can turn to receive safe care.
  • Social helpline Support in case of social vulnerability. You can contact Socialjouren by phone evenings, nights and weekends. It can be about homelessness, violence, abuse, or if you suspect that children are in harm’s way.
  • The support line for transgender people provides telephone support to transgender people over the age of 18 who have been subjected to violence in a close relationship or sexual violence.
  • Support line for men provides support to men over the age of 18 who have been subjected to violence in a close relationship or sexual violence.


You can always call 1177 for help with where to go if you don’t feel well. The healthcare advice on 1177 is open 24 hours a day. The nurses who work with the telephone counseling speak Swedish and English.