Find support – if you have a hard time during Christmas and New Year Christmas and New Year is a period that can be challenging and lonely for many LGBTQI people. Here is information on where you can turn…
Help out as an organizer for BiQuPan RFSL Gothenburg Help needed for BiQuPan RFSL Gothenburgs meetups!
Open during the Holidays Office at Stora Badhusgatan The office is closed from December 20 to January 6 inclusive. During the same period, our telephone switchboard is closed. It…
Volunteer at Connection! Volunteer at Connection! Connection has now been around for a while, and we are delighted to see that an increasing number of people are finding…
How we treat each other at Neuroqueer Meetingplace "Code of conduct" - Short form We start at 18:00 sharp. be on time. At the discussion meetings, there is a planned break after…
2-minute rounds at Neuroqueer meetingplace Short description: We use two-minute rounds to give everyone space to talk. Each person, who does not opt out with a red card, gets two…
Bli volontär för Newcomers! Vill du engagera dig i en verksamhet för hbtqi-flyktingar och hbtqi-migranter? Vill du göra skillnad och arbeta för ett antirasistiskt community? Som volontär i Newcomers…
Become a contact person We are recruiting more contact persons within RFSL Göteborg! Do you want to get to know a new person and are in a position where…
Bli samtalsledare inom RFSL Göteborg Är du hbtqi-person och vill hålla i samtalsgrupper? Nu söker vi fler personer som vill leda samtalsgrupper på RFSL Göteborg! Anmäl dig här om du…
Transseparatistiskt gruppsamtal om könseufori Välkommen till ett gruppsamtal om könseufori för dig som är transperson! Samtalet är en fortsättning av det samtal som hölls under West Pride 2019 med…